Katjana for Mayor of Somerville Sign
Katjana for Mayor of Somerville Signs!
Dear Neighbors,
Hard to believe the preliminary election is only nine weeks away. That means it’s time to show your support for Katjana. We’ve got a great way to do just that -- our yard signs just came in! Help us show the depth and breadth of her support by putting one of these sky blue beauties in your yard. To get one, email manager@katjana.org with your address. You may have already seen
some of the signs in your neighbor’s yards, so don’t be left out.
Meanwhile we’ve been busy on the campaign trail, meeting voters and hearing from them about the issues, and having some fun. Last Saturday we enjoyed ArtBeat, seeing local artists and listening to the music. Somerville is slowly but surely reemerging into the post-COVID world. (Photo: Katjana with Councilor Mary Jo Rossetti.)
All this activity costs money, though! Our yard sign order alone cost $1,000! So we need your help to make sure we can keep getting Katjana’s message out to Somerville.
Click here to do your part to help us cover these costs.
We’re grateful for your continued support in dollars or time. Your help is what will propel Katjana past the finish line for this campaign! Sign up to volunteer here.
Josh Troop, Campaign Manager
P.S. When you put up a yard sign, take a selfie of yourself with the sign. Then post the photo to your social media, telling us why Katjana is your choice for Mayor of Somerville, and tag the Katjana for Mayor account by adding #KatjanaForMayor.