Haiti Flag Map
Stop Deportations to Haiti
"We need every voice to speak out on the need to support and assist the long-suffering people of Haiti as they cope with yet another horrendous natural disaster. As an elected official in Somerville, a city with a large and vibrant Haitian-American community, I join our Congresswoman, Ayanna Pressley — Co-Chair of the House Haiti Caucus — along with Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázque and over 50 of their House colleagues in calling for the Biden Administration to halt deportations to Haiti, effective immediately. I believe we need to respond to the ongoing crisis caused by last month's earthquake with aid, shelter, and compassion, not forced expulsion and callous indifference. Direct contributions to Haitian relief can be made to several Massachusetts-based organizations, including Health Equity International and Partners in Health "
#KatjanaForMayor #SomervilleMA #mapoli